About Igbere
Igbere is a surbubian town in Bende Local Government Area of Abia State Nigeria. Located 66 miles from Aba the Commercial City of Eastern Nigeria, approximately 106 miles from Port Harcourt Airport 66 miles from Owerri, 26 Miles from Umuahia the Capital City of Abia State, 12 miles from Uzuakoli, 4 miles to Abriba and 18 miles to Ohafia.
The 13 Villages of Igbere, Agbo, Eziama, Amaukwu
Amankalu, Amakpo, Ibinanta, , Amaofufe, Ibinaukwu, Umusi
Okafla, Ohumola, Amaoji, Amaiyi
Neighbors of Igbere: Item, 4 !ayi, to make up Umunnato; also Abriba, Bende, Umuhu.
Tourist Attractions/Landmarks:
Eke Igbere; The Steps of Nature; Ngbele Ibina; Igwu River; River Falls Osuwowo, Springs: Ikeogwu, Ogbonta at Ozara, Nkumimo, Ojo onya, Ugbunta, Mbuba Stream and many others.
Markets of Igbere: Nkwo Ebele, Eke Oha.
Communications: Emeson Eme Post Office
Schools: LGA Amankwu, Roman Catholic School, Seven Day, Central School, Igbere Secondary School.
Proposed Abia State University of Arts, Science and Technology
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